Whether you are experiencing lower back pain, upper back pain all you want is for the pain to go away and to feel “normal” again.
Prior to seeking chiropractic care, many patients initially turn to both over-the-counter and prescription medications (such as opioids, steroidal, and non-steroidal drugs) to help combat the pain of back problems. These medications may provide you with quick back pain relief, but are a short-term solution for a long-term problem. What’s more, these medications often come with severe side effects and addictive properties.
We want to work to find the root cause of your pain, creating your personalized back pain treatment plan from the findings in an effort to help you achieve long-term relief from back pain.
Stucky Chiropractic has created this Essential Guide to Back Pain Relief to help with your information search on how to help yourself find relief from back pain.

Causes of Back Pain:
Many times, the exact cause of back pain is not known. Sometimes it can be traced back to a specific event (i.e. a car accident or other trauma), but sometimes even the isolated event is not the root cause of back pain, but instead, an underlying issue was present all along. Back pain that comes on suddenly is called acute back pain, and it is often the result of a sprain, strain or tear in the muscles and ligaments of the back. Chronic back pain is pain that lasts longer than three (3) months, and its root cause is much more challenging to identify, though there are some likely culprits.

Symptoms of Back Pain:
Back pain can be dull and achy or sharp and shooting, and everything in between. The nature of your back pain, however, can tell us a lot about what is the likely culprit. When diagnosing back pain, we also take into account how long you have been experiencing back pain and what activities bring it on. Pain that occurs in the lower back is the most common, but upper and mid-back pain can occur and impact the neck and the shoulders

At Home Management of Back Pain:
Identifying the root cause of back pain and coming in for regular adjustments and strength building are only parts of the journey to successful management of back pain. Eating properly, stretching and exercising at home are important parts of the puzzle too. Reinforcing the good work that happens at South Orange Chiropractic Center with equally good work between visits will accelerate healing and lead to faster and more complete pain relief. Check out our resources below to find the best strategies for managing your back health from the comfort of home.
- 4 Simple Movements for Core Muscle Strength – Stucky Chiropractic
- The Stretching Phenomenon: Why, When, and How? – Stucky Chiropractic
- Natural Remedies for Chronic Back Pain | Stucky Chiropractic
- Find Help for Your Low Back Pain | Eau Claire, WI
- How To Strengthen Your Back – Stucky Chiropractic
- 5 Fast Pain Relief Strategies – Stucky Chiropractic
- Home Kit – Stucky Chiropractic
- How To Resolve Lower Back Pain – Stucky Chiropractic

Back Pain Treatment:
Once the root cause of your back pain has been identified, you then treat your back pain by improving alignment, flexibility and strength. You have several choices when it comes to managing your back pain, from invasive surgery (which may not even solve the issue) to manual or instrument-assisted chiropractic adjustments, massage, physical therapy and acupuncture. Your chiropractor at South Orange Chiropractic Center will take your unique circumstances into account when they develop your personalized care plan.
- Chiropractic for Athletes – Stucky Chiropractic
- Eau Claire Back Pain Treatment – Find Back Pain Relief | Stucky
- What Are My Treatment Options for Back Pain? – Stucky Chiropractic
- Opioid-Free Pain Relief | Stucky Chiropractic
- Therapeutic Massage Therapy | Stucky | Eau Claire & Chippewa
- Chiropractic Adjustment | Stucky Chiropractic | Eau Claire, Chippewa Falls
- Low Level Laser Therapy | Stucky | Eau Claire, Chippewa Falls
- Spinal Decompression | Stucky Chiropractic | Pinched Nerve
- Spinal Rejuvenation Therapy | Stucky Chiropractic | Eau Claire
- What is a chiropractic adjustment
- Back Pain Adjustment
- What is cold laser therapy
- Glute low back guide hamstring
- Spinal rejuvenation
- Ergonomics (FB)
- Meet Lauri- Spinal Rejuvenation Testimonial