Children & Chiropractic
Chiropractic Help For Ear Infections
By: Dr. Alyse LaGuardia Hall

I have to take a moment and brag about the wonders of chiropractic. It’s no surprise that I’m a firm believer in its natural healing powers (I’m Chiropractor number 19/20 in my family), however, when you see it work on your own child it reignites that spark a bit.
The stress level around our house has been a little higher than normal with a teething baby, newly crawling baby, just a 9-month-old in general and moving at the same time. Thus, after a few very unusually fussy days we just thought our very happy baby was just sensing our stress. Then a very long night happened and I realized it might be something else. Kinsley is a great sleeper, has been since she was about 6 months old. However, Saturday night she was up for 3 hours straight crying and only wanted to sleep on me sitting up. Mind you, this is the same girl who has fallen asleep on me maybe 5 times since she was born. She screamed when I tried to lay her back down in her crib. My wheels started turning and I thought perhaps it was an ear infection. Side note: often times babies who could have an ear infection will scream when they’re laid on their backs due to the pressure.
So, to wrap up this very long story/testimony…her father, Dr. Hall (Stucky Chiropractic) looked in her ear Sunday morning and sure enough, her ear was all clogged up and red. He gave her not one, but two adjustments Sunday and we put some natural drops in her ear a few times throughout the day. She slept through the night Sunday night and was a little more herself yesterday morning. I brought her into the office with me anyway and had Dr. Chris (Stucky Chiropractic) do some craniosacral therapy. She slept for three hours when we got home and was like a new baby the rest of the day. She even napped on her back again. It’s safe to say I have my happy baby back and once again chiropractic saves the day. Spoiler, no trip to the MD was needed, no antibiotics or drugs required. Just the natural healing capability of hands and her own immune system’s ability to heal itself.

Did you know that by the age of 5 years old, the average child will have experienced over 2,000 falls, 10% of which would be considered serious? Although many parents consider this normal, the chiropractors at Stucky Chiropractic Center want you to know that child chiropractic care is very important for the child’s health and wellbeing. A growing number of studies have shown that children who receive regular chiropractic care get less ear infections, less asthma, less allergies, take fewer prescriptions, and require fewer doctor visits.
Along with young children benefitting from chiropractic care, teenagers need regular adjustments, too. Between carrying heavy backpacks (be sure to read the ABC’s Of Backpack Safety!) and books to playing organized sports, teens can greatly improve their health by seeing a chiropractor. Be sure to read our blog post discussing back to school heath tips for your school-aged children.
There are an increasing number of parents across the county taking their children of all ages in for chiropractic care. Whether your child is 11 months old or 11 years old, a visit to Stucky Chiropractic Center can safely give them immediate and long-term relief. When your child receives chiropractic adjustments, his or her body will more easily heal itself, along with strengthening their immune system to fight off common illnesses that children regularly get. If you’re interested in reading more about researched benefits of chiropractic adjustments, check out Dr. Axe’s article here.

“Our goal is to make sure that their spine and their nervous system is working at the highest level that it can.”